… which is why we are continuing our focus of safe workwear for women.

The last few months have seen a dramatic shift in how our society operates and although thousands of people are working from home, farmers and outdoor workers around the country are still at work and getting the job done. When it comes to your day to day work, for some industries, very little has changed and this means safety is still the number one priority.


Keeping The Focus On Safety 

The Agriculture and Environment sectors are essential industries that must continue to operate through this COVID-19 crisis. Women and men, more than ever, have to focus on safety during these times.

  • We know the importance of the agriculture sectors and feeding our nation is an essential service.
  • More than half of farmers around our country have not had any change to their day to day work and they need the tools and PPE to support their work for efficiency.
  • Some farmers are concerned about their ability to access tools, farming equipment and safety wear needed during this pandemic.

84% of our food is sourced from Australia and it is a necessity that our Agriculture & Horticulture industry is supported during this time with all the appropriate equipment, resources and safety wear. 


So why the focus on safe workwear for women?

We often get asked why it can be unsafe for women to wear uni-sex work clothing.

Usually  uni-sex clothing is a garment designed for a man and scaled down to smaller sizing. As well intentioned as this is this scaling down maybe does not take into account fit and safety in the workplace for women.

  • Men’s shirts are usually far too long in the arm length and are a much baggier fit. This means the risk of catching on machinery is high and can cause injury to women in the workplace.
  • Men’s shirts also have less buttons in the center of the shirt so gapping is an issue. In the heat of the Summer women have to multilayer to avoid exposing themselves. This can become an OH &S issue with heat exhaustion.
  • Men’s pants are much baggier in the crotch area. When women wear men’s trousers the crutch of the pants can chafe and be very unpleasant to wear. They can be constantly hitching the pants up because they are too long in the leg and therefore their mind is not 100% on the job, again, risking the chance for injury.
  • Pocket placement and design is important. Often women will be working off site and rather than carry a bag with them, they can use pockets that store all their required tools and personal items.

Working in a safe environment is incredibly important to all workers and appropriate clothing should always be available at the workplace for individuals.


That is why the Green Hip team and our stockists are keen to see the jobsite and workplaces safe for women over the COVID 19 period, as the safety of our essential workers is more essential than ever.


Visit one of our stockists or order online today to ensure your essential staff are safely fitted for work.



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