Over the past year and a half we have been fortunate enough to deal with the ah-inspiring women at the Crocodile Islands Rangers located on Milingimbi Island, Arnhem Land. The Miyalk (Women) Rangers are a relatively new addition to the Crocodile Islands Rangers team, so we wanted to share with you a little more about their day to day work, and the valuable contribution they are making towards the environment. Since September 2014, the all gal team has joined in with the fellas, undertaking a wide variety of work including sea patrols, marine research, community education and nursery work.
The Crocodile Islands Rangers have been undertaking research of the sea turtle populations that nest in the area, as well as assisting with oyster research, and conducting shorebird surveys. The Miyalk Rangers have also designed and built cane toad tadpole traps in an attempt to control this invasive species on Milingimbi Island.
Additionally, the ladies have written a bi-lingual (English and Yolngu Matha) bush tucker book “Bush Ŋatha”, along with several short film clips, to help record and protect Yolngu cultural knowledge for future generations.
The ladies at Crocodile Islands Rangers are proud working women making a difference in Australia, and we are proud to say we fit them out in our Hip gear!
To find out more about this fascinating group please go to http://crocodileislandsrangers.org.
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