After years of there being a whole in the market; Green Hip is thrilled to announce the launch of their Khaki ‘Outlander’ Shorts. For years there have been few workwear options for women who require khaki workwear while working on the land, in construction or building. Women have compromised their safety and have had to wear men’s workwear resulting in high risk workplace safety hazards for our country’s female trades workers.
Thankfully, the hassles of long sleeves that are too long, pants that don’t fit properly or general workwear that is unsafe for night wear simply don’t exist when wearing Green Hip products.
After seven years trading within the workwear industry, Green Hip provides premium comfortable workwear for women working in the trades and services across the country; including a complete range of Khaki workwear.
The owner and creator of Green Hip, Liv Thwaites was tired of wearing men’s workwear when working as a Horticulturalist so she decided to design her own work gear and has never looked back. Now, thanks to Liv’s determination and hard work, women no longer have to wear uncomfortable, unsafe and unflattering workwear.
‘There has been such a need for khaki shorts over the last few years we had to do something about it for our customers and ladies across our nation.’
Complete with a modern cut pant legs, mobile phone pocket, hammer holder, comfortable flat back waistband along with the brands signature cotton stretch fabric this short hardest work conditions you can throw at it while being comfortable enough to wear during weekend adventures. This fit for purpose women’s work short not only provides females within the trades and services industry’s comfort while working but reduces the risk of many unnecessary hazardous workplace situations that cause injury or death caused from ill-fitting uncomfortable men’s workwear.
‘We’re proud to offer our customers the ‘Outlander’ short in a range of colour options for everything you need. Many customers get a pair for work and then a pair for personal use since they are so versatile.’
Uniforms play a major part in boosting womens confidence, morale and workplace safety; Green Hip is honored to helps support women working in male dominated industries. Based in Geelong, Green Hip Workwear for Women can be purchased online or at over 30 stockists around Australia including select Totally Workwear, Total Tools and Hip Pocket Work and Safety locations.